A BBQ & a Bee Orchid
David & Rebecca invited us to a BBQ, in a village near Bury St Edmund. The weather was glorious and sunny. The guests were friendly and relaxed. The food was delicious. Made from scratch salads, dips, Foccaccia, Lemon Drizzle and Eton Mess. Excellent sausages, with the right amount of crispy bits. It was a wonderful way to spend a summer’s afternoon. I’m just sorry I didn’t help with the dishes.
At one point Rebecca’s 8 yo nephew had a hula-hoop related accident involving their rare bee orchid. The orchid was growing in the middle of the lawn, naturally. This made the tiny flower available for a photo, so I whipped out my macro lens for my iPhone.
Thanks to Wilko for their bug spray. It turns out I am an especially delicious Australian this summer, but the tropical strength is keeping me safe.