Doreen & me, we bin ter see a show…
Doreen an’ me, we bin to see a show —
The swell two-dollar touch. Bong tong, yeh know.
A chair apiece wiv velvit on the seat;
A slap-up treat.
(Apologies to C. J. Dennis for quoting from Songs of the Sentimental Bloke. If you’ve ever questioned Romeo & Juliet’s plot, do read the link.) The show in question was the Saturday matinee of Whisky Galore, and the velvet seats were in a box at the Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds. The Theatre Royal is the only Regency play house still in operation. After I took the photo of Jean the ushers came around with no photography signs, so I can’t show you what the rest of the interior looks like. Its an intimate way to experience theatre, and we enjoyed the show overall. The staging was wonderful, and the all female cast did a sterling job. Their voices were a little tired by their gruelling schedule, was my only slight criticism.
The Criterion stem ginger icecream was as good as ever at interval.